women-only walk: Hikerbabes on Holland Trail
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30sep9:30 am12:30 pmwomen-only walk: Hikerbabes on Holland TrailGo Wild in the Great Trinity Forest

Event Details

Sat. Sept. 30 at 9:30 am 

park at 5940 Elam Rd, Dallas, TX 75217

A relatively rugged, women-only walk on the Holland Trail, re-creating a Go Wild segment from the Great Trinity Forest section of the book’s hiking adventures. Must be female. Must join Hikerbabes Community: Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas Chapter and reserve through their event notice.

We’ll walk in the Trinity River riparian corridor, eventually connecting to the equestrian Holland Trail, and journey on to the confluence of White Rock Creek. Then we’ll troop through dense woods to a large slough and utility corridor crossing, and perhaps onward to Texas Horse Park or up toward Pemberton Big Spring. Expect to get wet, dirty, and tired. Bring a towel for the car and a change of footwear and maybe pants. Wear lots of insect repellent. Pack lots of water.

Expect to get wet, dirty, and tired. Strong hiking boots are a must. Wear lots of insect repellent. Pack lots of water. Bring a towel for the car and a change of footwear and maybe pants. Leave nothing of value in your car since the parking lot is remote, but easy access. Walk attendance is limited to preserve trail integrity and so everyone can hear the leader talk.

Here’s a GreenSourceDFW article our Amy wrote about the Holland Trail.



(Saturday) 9:30 am - 12:30 pm(GMT+00:00)